Precise Petrographic Analysis for Reliable Geological Insights

List of services

We offer a number of services depending on the needs and requirements of our clients. The tables shows a selection of them. If required, we can provide customized solutions:

Thin section petrography of clastic sediments

ServiceDescriptionPrice per unit
Thin Section Description (Basic/Quicklook)Qualitative description of the thin section (texture + composition)request a quote
Thin Section Description (Standard)Qualitative description of the thin section (texture, composition, paragenetic sequence) combined with semi-quantitative best estimates of major components: framework grains, matrix, pore-filling cements, grain replacements, porosityrequest a quote
Thin Section Description (Fully quantitative)Description of the thin section (texture, composition, paragenetic sequence) + Quantitative petrographic analysis by using point counting (300+ counts per sample): framework grains, matrix, cements in primary pore space, cements in secondary pore space, grain replacements, matrix replacements, pore types (using standard point count categories)request a quote
Point Counting (Standard template)Quantitative analysis of mineral proportions by point counting. 300+ counts. request a quote
Point Counting (Touchstone compatible)Quantitative analysis of mineral proportions by point counting. 300+ counts. Using Touchstone compatible.request a quote
Photo documentation2-4 photos (Overview + Close-ups)request a quote
Grain size analysisLongest axis measurements (100+ grains)request a quote
Grain coat coverage measurementFor Touchstone: Grain coat coverage measurements (50+ coated grains)request a quote
Pore network analysis (Image analysis)Total meso- and macroporosity (> 20 µm) through digital image analysis (alternatively point-counting)request a quote
Petrographic Description Report (Basic)Comprehensive written report describing mineral composition and textures.request a quote
Petrographic Description Report (Detailed)Extensive, in-depth petrographic description with more detailed observations.request a quote

Thin section petrography of carbonate sediments

ServiceDescriptionPrice per unit
Thin Section Description (Basic/Quicklook)Qualitative description of the thin section (texture + composition)request a quote
Thin Section Description (Standard)Qualitative description of the thin section (texture, composition, paragenetic sequence) combined with semi-quantitative best estimates of major components: grains, matrix, cements, grain replacements, porosityrequest a quote
Point Counting (Basic)Quantitative analysis of mineral proportions by point counting.request a quote
Photo documentation2-4 photos (Overview + Close-ups)request a quote
Pore network analysis (Image analysis)Total meso- and macroporosity (> 20 µm) through digital image analysis (alternatively point-counting)request a quote
Petrographic Description Report (Basic)Comprehensive written report describing mineral composition and textures.request a quote
Petrographic Description Report (Detailed)Extensive, in-depth petrographic description with more detailed observations.request a quote

Additional services (partly in collaboration with external provider)

ServiceDescriptionPrice per unit
SamplingDevelop sampling strategies and sample, pack and ship the materialrequest a quote
Thin Section PreparationPreparing thin slices of rock or mineral samples for analysis.request a quote
Carbonate and Feldspar StainingQuantitative analysis of mineral proportions by point counting.request a quote
Thin section scanningHigh resolution scanning of the entire thin sectionrequest a quote
X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) Analysis – Whole rockIdentification of mineral phases using X-ray diffraction techniques.request a quote
X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) Analysis – Whole rockIdentification of (clay) mineral phases using X-ray diffraction techniques. Including grain size separationrequest a quote
Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM)High-resolution imaging and analysis of mineral surfaces and morphology.request a quote
Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectroscopy (EDX)Elemental analysis and mapping in conjunction with SEM.request a quote
Chemical Composition Analysis (ICP-OES or ICP-MS) analysisChemical composition of rocks and minerals using Inductively Coupled Plasma.request a quote
Additional sedimentological data acquisitionRock (plug) and core description, sediment facies interpretation and classificationrequest a quote
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Data analysis and visualizationExcel, PowerBIrequest a quote
MappingOutcomes depending on client needs and input data request a quote
(Petrographic) Rock typingOutcomes depending on client needs and input data request a quote
Integrative (diagenetic) modelOutcomes depending on client needs and input data request a quote
Reservoir quality predictionOutcomes depending on client needs and input data request a quote
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